Ateeka is a Certified Integral Yoga instructor and Registered Yoga Teacher with the internationally recognized YOGA ALLIANCE and member of the International Yoga Therapists Association.
Her approach to Yoga is compassionate, authentic, light-hearted and rooted in the traditions of classical Raja yoga, Bhakti yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices. She teaches an "intuitive" yoga style, encouraging students to listen inward to the messages of the body. Taking a direct approach to the soul, Ateeka guides students to explore the asana from the inside out with a combination of organic movement and attention to the core taking form as individualized asana. Teaching only what she has experienced to be true for herself ... practices with Ateeka are exploratory, changing, growing and evolving.


" You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."
- Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet