Sonja Gleason


Sonja Gleason

"In a past life I was an aerobics instructor. I taught everything from step aerobics to spin classes. One day I landed in an Ashtanga yoga class and it was like a rebirth. The integration of mind, body and spirit was compelling and rang true to my heart. My perception of fitness widened to encompass wellness, stillness, and love.
I have walked (danced, smiled, and loved) joyfully along my yogini path through the mainland and abroad. I have practiced many different styles along the way before settling to teach on this beautiful island that I am grateful and humbled to call home.
I hold certifications in both YogaFit and Prana Flow Yoga with Shiva Rae. I am also a STOTT certified Pilates instructor.
The classes I teach are loving and fluid with an emphasis on spinal alignment and approachable to all levels of practice. They are inspired by life, practice, and most importantly by my gratitude for the light and love within each and every one of us. My intention as a teacher is to encourage each of us to practice our truth, heal with our breath, and listen to the loving wisdom within our hearts."

Sonja is teaching the following classes:

Gentle Yoga - Friday 9:00am - 10:30am


Yoga heals, nourishes, and challenges us. The practice infiltrates every corner
of our lives.
~Valerie Jeremijenko